
46 Space Open Calls

BA / MA Graduate Open Call 20 / 21

Open call now closed

Apply through

46 Space is launching its first open call! If you graduated, or will graduate from a BA or MA photography or visual arts course in 2020 or 2021 you are encouraged to submit a project for consideration to be in an online group exhibition taking place this summer.

The exhibition will be curated by Sophie Gladstone, artist and assistant photo editor at Wallpaper* Magazine and William Lakin, artist and founder of 46 Space.

The brief is open but the selection will be curated based on common themes in the submitted work. We encourage experimental, challenging and engaging photographic projects, and work that translates well to being viewed in an online space. Multi-media, video and alternative techniques are all welcome, as well as more traditional photographic approaches.

The last two years have been a challenging period for visual arts students with fewer opportunities to exhibit work and make connections, this is why we are opening this call up to the last two years of graduating students. With fewer resources and limited contact with peers and tutors, the students graduating in 20 / 21 have had to be especially creative, going above and beyond normal means to solve problems and meet deadlines. Whilst these are not ideal circumstances they have borne some amazing results, we want to see the fruits of your labour during this uniquely challenging and enlightening period of study!

The call is open for submission from May the 14th and the deadline will be Friday, June the 25th. Entry is FREE to all participants and the virtual exhibition will go live around late-July 2021.

This open call is being hosted on Picter.com. To submit, please follow the guidelines below and upload all images and text through Picter.

3-10 images, saved as Jpegs and sized to 3000 pixels on the longest edge.

A statement no longer than 1000 characters about the project being submitted.  

An artist biography.

Your course / institution / year of graduation.

For full terms and conditions click here.

Image: Veronica Viacava
RCA Graduate 2021